The Relationship between the Power of Collaboration and Student Achievement in Social Studies Subjects in Fourth Grade


  • Finy Rizky Amalia Universitas Panca Marga
  • Ludfi Arya Wardana Universitas Panca Marga
  • Shofia Hattarina Universitas Panca Marga
  • Rofikha Nuriyanti Universitas Panca Marga


Collaborative learning model, learning achievement


Student achievement in social studies subjects in grade IV at SD Negeri Kademangan 4 Probolinggo City. The type of research conducted by the researcher is experimental research. The subject of this research is Class IV with a total of 27 students. 4 students as an experimental class using a collaborative learning model, while 3 students as a control class using the lecture method. The data collection techniques in this study were Documentation and Tests. The research instrument used is a test in the form of multiple choice questions that have been tested for validity and reliability tests. Based on the results of research on the relationship between collaborative power and learning achievement and testing the proposed hypothesis, there is a significant and positive relationship between collaboration power and learning achievement. Based on hypothesis testing using the Product Moment formula, the rxy value is 0.884, and after being corrected with a significant level of 5% with a standard deviation (df) n = 32, it shows that the results at a significant level of 5% are 0.349. Thus, it can be seen that rcount (0.884) > rtable(0.349).



How to Cite

Finy Rizky Amalia, Ludfi Arya Wardana, Shofia Hattarina, & Rofikha Nuriyanti. (2022). The Relationship between the Power of Collaboration and Student Achievement in Social Studies Subjects in Fourth Grade. Proceeding PGSD UST International Conference on Education, 3(1). Retrieved from