Proceeding PGSD UST International Conference on Education Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa en-US Proceeding PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2655-0687 Effectiveness of Interactive Flip Book Sekapati Media on Elementary School Listening Skills <p>This study aims to see the effectiveness of an interactive Flipbook learning media SEKAPATI (History of Kapitan Patimura) with the hope that Indonesian language subjects can be represented in an interesting, innovative, creative, and fun way. A flipbook is a software that is used to create learning media using 3D effects. This application makes the appearance of electronic books more attractive with additional animations, images, videos, and audio to improve students' listening skills. &nbsp;The results show that interactive flipbooks are effective in improving learning outcomes in students' listening skills. The results of the calculation are known that the significant value of 2 tails obtained a value of &lt; 0.005 (0.00&lt; 0.05) This indicates that Ho is rejected or Ha is accepted.</p> Wahyu Nuning Budiarti Gigih Winandika Mawan Akhir Riwanto Aris Naeni Dwiyanti Yusuf Hasan Baharudin Nuf Anggraeni Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 1 6 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.396 The Implementation of Pancasila Student Profile-Based Teaching and Tri-N Through Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in SBdP (Cultural Arts and Crafts) Subject <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>The purpose of this study is to describe and discuss the implementation of Pancasila student profile-based teaching and <em>Tri-N </em>through project-based learning (PjBL) in SBdP (Cultural Arts and Crafts) subject. A descriptive qualitative design was employed as the research method to gain a more in-depth understanding of the phenomenon and its characteristics being studied in this study. The data were obtained qualitatively from multiple sources such as interviews, classroom observations, students’ projects, and supporting documents. These data will be analyzed by following the procedures of qualitative data analysis. Using various data collection techniques is crucial since it can obtain the validity and trustworthiness of qualitative data. We selected 16 fifth-grade elementary school students for the 2021/2022 Academic Year as the research participants at SDN Sariharjo, Yogyakarta. There are six steps to be followed to execute the teaching model successfully, consisting of 1) identifying questions/problems, 2) designing the projects, 3) setting the schedule, 4) monitoring students’ progress, 5) assessing students’ performances and projects, and 6) evaluating the whole teaching-learning process and doing reflection. The results clearly showed that the teaching model implementation following the current curriculum in times of the COVID-9 emergency is effective in recovering from learning loss and gaps and developing students’ characters in the post-pandemic era. Therefore, the teaching model used in this study is highly recommended for future studies.</p> Bonifatius Sigit Yuniharto Agatha Lisa Ana Fitrotun Nisa Qodri Jamalulail Moh. Rusnoto Susanto Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 7 12 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.390 Online Assessment for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schooduring Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia <p>Covid-19 pandemic force the educationalist in inclusive school to change the strategy in assessing children with special needs condition. Remotely children with special needs’ assessment process are a rare experience to happen in Indonesia. Through a qualitative approach, this study aims to describe the assessment process carried out at the SPS Alam Atifa<br>School in Bogor during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on purposive sampling, an informant isa class teacher who is responsible for carrying out the assessment process for students with special needs in the inclusive schools and is willing to provide information. Data were collected<br>through semi-structured interviews, documentation, and literature review. The data was analyzed through data reduction, data display, verification, and drawing conclusions by Miles &amp; Huberman. Internal validity is carried out in the form of member check, perseverance of&nbsp;researchers, and using documentation tools. The results showed that the assessment process could be undertake remotely with video conference media and deliver the material to the parents. The online assessment had 8 stages which was commenced with discussion of assessor team, tools preparation, making tutorial for parents, simulation, implementation, result discussion, and arrange the IEP. The assessment used the performance-based assessment. Admittedly, assessment could be done remotely in online methods. However, further researchis needed to explore the results’ validity.<br><br></p> Muhaimi Mughni Prayogo Imam Setiawan Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 13 19 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.581 The Effect of Learning Media on Students’ Academic Achievement at Elementary School <p>Learning requires media to help simplify and expedite the learning process objectives effectively and efficiently. This study aims to determine the effect of Learning Media on Students’ Academic Achievement in Elementary School. This research is quantitative. The population in this study was 89 students. While the samples in this study were 66 students. Collecting data using questionnaire documentation, then analyzed using simple regression t<strong>ec</strong>hniques. The results of this study that is learning media has a positive effect on student academic achievement, as evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.005 &lt; = 0.050, while the value of the correlation coefficient (r2) = 0.6 or contributes .6%. This means that learning media has been proven to play a role in improving student academic achievement. Learning media can help simplify and help smooth the learning process.</p> Eliyanto Siti Honiah Mujiati Darsono Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 20 27 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.393 The Need Analysis of Digital Materials Based on Character Education in Elementary School <p>This study aims to explore the need for digital materials based on character education for elementary school. This research is qualitative. Data were collected using observation, and interviews. The research participants were 28 students and 7 teachers of Indonesian Elementary Schools. Findings showed that the results of the needs analysis state that all teachers are interested in using integrated e-modules for character education. Character education that will be integrated with this material includes the characteristics of self-confidence, caring, and responsibility. Teachers can modify existing teaching materials into digital materials or e-modules based on character education. This digital material will arouse students’ learning motivation, because it looks more attractive, and can be directly accessed with gadgets owned by students.</p> Fajariyani Siti Rochmiyati Banun Havifah Cahyo Khosiyono Dhian Nuri Rahmawati Dwi Astuti Suliyanti Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 28 31 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.395 Pedagogical Competency Analysis of Teachers at Muhammadiyah Elementary School Domban 4 Sleman <p>Teachers are an important role in the world of education that can determine the quality of learning. The task of teachers is to provide knowledge that can develop and improve abilities in students and achieve the goal of education. A teacher must master four competencies, one of which is pedagogical competence. The pedagogical competence of teachers is very important to be improved, because by having pedagogical competencies teachers can manage the learning of learners, such as understanding learners, planning and implementing learning, evaluating learning outcomes, and developing learners to actualize the various potentials they have. This research aims to find out the pedagogical competencies possessed by teachers at SD Muhammadiyah Domban 4 Sleman. The research method used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach and this research takes data from the principal, one class teacher, and one upper-class student. The object of this study is the pedagogical competence of teachers at SD Muhammadiyah Domban 4 Sleman. Data collection techniques in this study are interviews, observations, and documentation. The collected data is analyzed by data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results of the research obtained from this study are that the pedagogical competence of teachers at SD Muhammadiyah Domban 4 Sleman is good. This can be seen from the background and experience of teaching teachers. The role of pedagogic competence in the learning process also affects the learning outcomes of students in the classroom. Teachers who have good pedagogical competence tend to be successful in managing learning in the classroom.</p> Vera Yuli Erviana Wiwik Ikhsani Laila Fatmawati Anik Ghufron Haryanto Haryanto Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 32 37 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.594 The Effectiveness of Century Skill-based Authentic Science Assessment Media to Improve Critical Thinking Skills for Grade 4 Elementary School Students <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of century-skill-based authentic assessment media to improve critical thinking skills in elementary school students. The method used is a pre-experiment using One design Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Learning the content of science learning is carried out in six face-to-face meetings, one pre-test, and one final test. The population used is grade 4 the elementary school students of 2 Tipar with a total of 20 students. The results obtained are 87.375% of students responded very well. N-gain test obtained a significance level of 0.6 (enough). This shows that the pre-test before using the century skill-based authentic assessment media and the post-test after using the century skill-based authentic assessment media experienced a significant difference. Based on the results of several tests, it was concluded that the century skill-based authentic assessment media was effective in developing critical thinking skills.</p> Aris Naeni Dwiyanti Wahyu Nuning Budiarti Mawan Akhir Riwanto Yusuf Hasan Baharudin Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 38 42 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.389 Development of Videoscribe Based Multimedia on the Social Science Thematic Learning for V-Grade Students in SD N Timuran Yogyakarta <p>This research aims to (1) Develop the VideoScribe in the Social Science - Thematic Learning for V-grade students at SD N Timuran Yogyakarta and (2) Test the feasibility of the VideoScribe in the Social Science - Thematic Learning for V-grade students at SD N Timuran Yogyakarta (3) Testing the effectiveness of the VideoScribe in the Social Science - Thematic Learning for V-grade students at SD N Timuran Yogyakarta. This research type is Research and Development (R&amp;D) using the Borg &amp; Gall model which was adapted by Sugiyono in 6 steps i.e (1) potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) design validation; (5) design revision; (6) product trial. The population of this study was all fifth-grade students of SDN Timuran Yogyakarta (20 students). This research was conducted on March 2, 2022, and user tests, questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation as the data collection techniques. The data were analyzed using product data analysis in the form of media feasibility analysis and analysis of teacher and student responses; initial data analysis in the form of normality tests; and final data analysis in the form of Wilcoxon and N-gain tests. The results of this study indicate that videoscribe is feasible to use with the percentage of presentation feasibility by media experts is 95% (very feasible) and content feasibility by material experts is 90% (very feasible). Videoscribe-based multimedia can effectively improve the learning outcomes of fifth graders based on the Wilcoxon test to obtain sig. (2-tailed) of 0.002 &lt; 0.05 so that there is a significant difference between the results of the pretest and posttest and the average increase test (N-gain) of the pretest and posttest obtained by 0.492 with moderate criteria. This research concluded that the developed video scribe is feasible and effective to use in social studies learning material on geographical characteristics in Indonesia.</p> Dwi Wijayanti Agus Hadi Pratama Dyan Desi Madyarini Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 43 47 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.585 Development of Interactive Media of Multiplication Materials with Line Technique (Garismatika) for 3rd Grade Elementary School <p>The purpose of this research is to produce interactive media development of multiplication material with linematics techniques for grade 3 elementary school, to find out the quality of interactive media that is appropriate to be used to help teachers deliver learning materials and assist students in working on multiplication problems with linematics techniques. The research method used is Research and Development (RnD). The research model uses ADDIE which is an acronym for the research steps, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The results obtained during the study were the assessment of the testing phase. The assessments obtained from material experts are 65% with proper criteria, media experts are 92.5% with very decent criteria, and linguists are 95% with very decent criteria. The media feasibility test is a field test conducted at SD Negeri Kuripan 0 by the teacher with a score of 97.5% with very decent criteria and one class student got a score of 93.8% with very decent criteria. Based on the results of tests that have been carried out from beginning to end, it shows that the media developed in this study is feasible to be used in learning or learning activities.</p> Mawan Akhir Riwanto Wahyu Nuning Budiarti Yusuf Hasan Baharudin Aris Naeni Dwiyanti Gigih Winandika Jamangaturrohmah Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 48 51 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.588 Development of Interactive Quiz Learning Media Using Powerpoint on the Struggle Of Class IV Students' Heroes <p class="Author" style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt;">Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the results of media expert validation with an average percentage of 90.78% with criteria very suitable for use, material expert validation results with an average percentage of 75% with appropriate criteria for use, validation results of linguists with an average percentage 77.77% with very suitable criteria for use. The results of the product feasibility assessment by the teacher have an average percentage of 97.58% with very suitable criteria for use, and the results of the product feasibility assessment by students have an average percentage of 89.84% with very suitable criteria for use. The results of this study indicate that the interactive quiz learning media using PowerPoint on the material for the struggle of the heroes of the fourth-grade students is appropriate for teachers to use in teaching the material based on expert validation and feasibility assessment by teachers and students.</span></p> <p class="Author" style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt;">&nbsp;</span></p> Gigih Winandika Wahyu Nuning Budiarti Mawan Akhir Riwanto Aris Naeni Dwiyanti Yusuf Hasan Baharudin Bahrur Rohmah Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 52 57 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.399 Need Analysis of Learning Tool Development in Developing 21st Century Skills of Elementary School Students <p>This study aims to describe the analysis of related needs learning tools that can develop 21st-century skills through science-based learning, technology art, and mathematics (STEAM). The preliminary study in this study was based on a survey conducted on elementary school teachers in Gunungkidul Regency. The research method used is the mixed method by integrating qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, survey, and questionnaire methods via a google form. Data analysis techniques were carried out through data collection techniques, qualitative data analysis and integrated with quantitative data analysis. The subjects of this study were elementary school teachers in the Gunungkidul district. The sample was chosen randomly with a total of 61 respondents. Based on the results of the study, it is necessary to develop STEAM-based learning tools to develop 21st-century skills for elementary school students. Where the development of learning tools is expected to be a benchmark or reference for teachers in developing 21st-century skills with STEAM-based learning.</p> Pardimin Ana Fitrotun Nisa Nurul Hikmah Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 58 62 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.586 Analysis of Learning Difficulties in a Student in Elementary School <p>Learning tasks are defined as the inability of children to complete the tasks given by the teacher, which is a disturbance of a process that interferes with understanding and intellectuality in individuals. Children with learning disabilities have unique characteristics and different learning styles. Therefore, every child can succeed in his studies. Some factors influence learning difficulties, namely generally factors that come from the child and factors from outside the child. Students who have learning difficulties also show difficulties in behaving such as emotional disturbances, worry, feeling uneasy, aggressive attitudes, and disturbances in the thought process so learning activities are disrupted.</p> Yusuf Hasan Baharudin Aris Naeni Dwiyanti Wahyu Nuning Budiarti Anisa Sekar Ningrum Mawan Akhir Riwanto Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 63 66 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.590 Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on PPT Plant Structure Material for Fourth Grade Students <p>This study was conducted because fourth-grade students need media to support their learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to develop interactive media based on PPT on science lesson material plant structure for Class IV SDN Mentor. This type of research is developmental research. This study uses 5 steps of research procedures according to Borg and Gall that have been modified, including 1) potential and problems, 2) Data Collection, 3) Product Manufacturing, 4) Product Validation, 5) product revision, and 6) usage trials. Subjects in this study are students of class IVA SDN Mentor. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire and learning outcomes. The questionnaire was conducted by media experts with a percentage of 97.5%, material experts with a percentage of 95.83%, science learning experts with a percentage of 93.75%, the recapitulation of student responses with a percentage of 99.6%, and student learning outcomes obtained a percentage of 93.3%. The results showed that Interactive Learning Media based on PPT is included in the category of “very good”.</p> Imroatul Kamelia Ludfi Arya Wardana Shofia Hattarina Rofika Nuriyanti Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-09-15 2022-09-15 3 1 67 70 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.587 The Effect of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on the Students’ IPA Learning Outcomes in Class IV <p>This study aims to determine the effect of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on science learning outcomes. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) learning is motivated by the need for qualified and highly competitive human resources. &nbsp;Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are higher order thinking skills by connecting and or combining past knowledge with new knowledge, then developed to achieve a goal or solve a problem that arises. Data at SD Integral Hidayatullah Probolinggo City shows that 20% of the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) have been implemented. However, the high-order thinking skills of grade IV students in science subjects are still low. Based on this, this research focuses on whether Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) affect student learning outcomes in science subjects. The method used in this research is the experimental method. Meanwhile, to analyze the data used data analysis prerequisite tests with the help of Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene Statistics and test hypotheses with the help of the SPSS 25 for Windows application using the Independent Sample T-Test. The results showed that Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) had a significant effect on science learning outcomes for fourth-grade students. This has been proven based on data derived from hypothesis testing using the Independent Sample T-Test on SPSS&nbsp; 25 for Windows. The value of t count &gt; t table, which is 5.772 &gt; .69 with a value of sig (2-tailed) &lt; 0.05. Following these calculations, H0 is rejected while Ha is accepted. Based on the results of these studies, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is very important to be applied to the learning process. This aims to create quality students so that they can create human resources that have high quality and competitiveness.</p> Nora Dilla Qibtiyah Ludfi Arya Wardana Shofia Hattarina Rofikha Nuriyanti Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 3 1 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.592 The Effect of the Application of the Collaboration Model on the Learning Outcomes of Class II Students of Gending Elementary School on Thematic Learning <p>This study explains the effect of the Collaborative Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of Class II Gending Elementary School students in learning. This study was carried out with a quantitative approach through documentation and test studies. The results showed that 1) Thematic learning outcomes of experimental class students who were taught using the cooperative learning model of learning together type had an average score of 82.50. So it increased by 2.8. 2) Control student learning outcomes who are taught without using the cooperative learning model type learning together have an average obtained of 70.06. An increase of 0.8. 3) There is a significant effect between the application of the collaboration model and the learning outcomes of second-grade students of Gending Elementary School in thematic learning.</p> Chicie Arinda Widyati Ludfi Arya Wardana Didit Yulian K Rofika Nuriyanti Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 3 1 Development of Project-Based Learning-Based Thematic Worksheet Teaching Materials in Class IV Gending Elementary School <p>This study aims to create a product, determine the design and development of teaching materials and determine the design and feasibility, of the teacher's response to the development of thematic LKS teaching materials based on basic learning projects. The method used in this research is the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method. This refers to the 4D model which consists of 4 stages, namely Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The instruments used in this study were media expert validation sheets, material expert validation sheets, and teacher response questionnaires. The results showed that: (1) the design of developing PjBL-based thematic teaching materials was good and could be an interesting innovation, and (2) the feasibility of PjBL-based thematic teaching materials was assessed by media expert validators obtaining 92% in the "Very Eligible" category. and the results of material expert validation obtained that the feasibility reached 87.5% included in the "Very Eligible" category, (3) the results of the teacher's response to teaching materials in this thematic learning obtained 92% in the "Very Eligible" category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the product of the teaching materials developed has a very high level of validity, so it is feasible to be used in the learning process.</p> Reicha Rossa Kusmastuti Ludfi Arya Wardana Shofia Hattarina Rofikha Nuriyanti Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 3 1 10.30738/icepgsd.v3i1.593 The Relationship between the Power of Collaboration and Student Achievement in Social Studies Subjects in Fourth Grade <p>Student achievement in social studies subjects in grade IV at SD Negeri Kademangan 4 Probolinggo City. The type of research conducted by the researcher is experimental research. The subject of this research is Class IV with a total of 27 students. 4 students as an experimental class using a collaborative learning model, while 3 students as a control class using the lecture method. The data collection techniques in this study were Documentation and Tests. The research instrument used is a test in the form of multiple choice questions that have been tested for validity and reliability tests. Based on the results of research on the relationship between collaborative power and learning achievement and testing the proposed hypothesis, there is a significant and positive relationship between collaboration power and learning achievement. Based on hypothesis testing using the Product Moment formula, the r<sub>xy</sub> value is 0.884, and after being corrected with a significant level of 5% with a standard deviation (df) n = 32, it shows that the results at a significant level of 5% are 0.349. Thus, it can be seen that r<sub>count</sub> (0.884) &gt; r<sub>table</sub>(0.349).</p> Finy Rizky Amalia Ludfi Arya Wardana Shofia Hattarina Rofikha Nuriyanti Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 3 1 The Relationship of National Insights with the Character of Love for the Country Class VI Gending Elementary School <p>This study explains the relationship between Understanding National Insights and Love for the Motherland Character in Class VI students at Gending Elementary School. This study was carried out using a quantitative approach through a study of documentation and questionnaires. The data is processed by the percentage formula and analyzed by the Simple Correlation Coefficient. The results showed that 1) the Value of Understanding National Insights obtained the highest score with 50 and the lowest score was 84, the Value of the Love of the Motherland Character obtained the highest score with 20 and the lowest score was 80; 2) The Nationality Insight Normality Test shows 78.3 &gt; 4.06 so that it is declared normally distributed, while the Love of the Fatherland Character Normality Test shows 039.3 &gt; 4.06 so it is declared normally distributed; 3) There is a positive and significant relationship between the understanding of national insight and the character of love for the homeland in class VI students of Gending &nbsp;Elementary School at a significance level of 0.05% with Fcount 2.583 and Fcount 3.28 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.</p> Dewi Qomara Dona Ludfi Arya Wardana Shofia Hattarina Rofikha Nuriyanti Copyright (c) 2022 PGSD UST International Conference on Education 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 3 1