Web-Based Application for Determining Clove Oil Selling Prices Using the Topsis Method


  • Ihwana As'ad Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ismail HA Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Rini Oktavera Universitas WR Supratman, Indonesia
  • Mohammad H. Holle IAIN Ambon, Indonesia
  • Marhawati Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Faidah Azuz Universitas Bosowa, Indonesia
  • Aep Saefullah STIE Ganesha Jakarta, Indonesia


Clove oil is oil produced from distilling parts of the clove plant, especially the leaves, handles, and flowers of cloves, and is commonly called clove essential oil. In recent years, the selling price of clove oil has fluctuated, and there is no price certainty. The refiners determine the price based on the market price, so it is considered less supportive and needs to produce a fair selling price. Refiners should set prices based on the quality of the oil. This research was conducted in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi, to create a system that can help refiners determine the selling price of clove oil based on oil quality and provide price certainty for refinery business owners. The method used in this decision-making is the Topsis Method. Based on the results of calculations with the Topsis method in this study, the selected alternative value is leaf oil at a price of Rp.120,000.00 per liter with a value of 0.68, which has clear sub-criteria, specific gravity 1.0450, pH level 21, total eugenol 82, refractive index 1.5330, optical rotation -1˚, solubility in ethanol by 69%. This web application has been tested using black box testing to determine the functionality of each feature. As for knowing the assessment of the aspects of interface, performance, database, and termination, a questionnaire was distributed to five distillers. Then, the assessment results obtained were 88.65% and included excellent assessment criteria


