An Analysis of Democracy and Multicultural Education based on the Theory of Ki Hadjar Dewantara: A Case Study


  • Dwi Wijayanti Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamanasiswa
  • Biya Ebi Praheto Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Wachid Pratomo Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa


Democracy education, multicultural, elementary school, Ki Hadjar Dewantara.


Democracy and multicultural education are very relevant to Ki Hajar Dewantara's theory, namely the leadership trilogy (leadership democracy), Tri Ngo, the Among system (asih, asah, and asuh), and Panca Dharma. This research was conducted at PGSD UST Yogyakarta in June-September 2022 using a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Data were collected using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The data analysis steps include data presentation, data reduction, and conclusion drawing, while testing the validity of the data by increasing persistence, and triangulation. Democracy and multicultural education is carried out through integration in appropriate courses. There are 12 courses in the KKNI curriculum, and 15 courses in the Merdeka curriculum. Embedded democratic and multicultural values ​​include: Tolerance, Freedom of expression, Respect for differences of opinion, Understanding diversity in the classroom and campus environment, Open in communication, Upholding human values ​​and dignity, Confidence or not depending on others, Mutual respect and togetherness. The implementation of democratic and multicultural values ​​is also carried out through routine Thursday Pahing activities. This study shows that the factors that influence democracy and multicultural education in UST PGSD students include: not all courses are suitable for implementing democratic and multicultural values, not all lecturers are aware of and understand the importance of democratic values ​​for students, especially students as prospective teachers (education). , for lecturers of the science course group, the cultivation of multicultural values ​​is not going well, the very heterogeneous PGSD students coupled with primodialism is still firmly embedded in them, making the inculcation of democratic and multicultural values ​​not optimal. Efforts that have been made to overcome the problems are: creating a group of subject groups in charge of discussing the content of attitudes in the course RPS, workshops on the preparation of the RPS where the RPS that is compiled contains Tamansiswa teachings, the availability of supporting facilities, such as a dance laboratory, there are several competitions or activities who appreciate the work of students in the fields of art, culture, social, humanities and science and technology, the existence of workshops / seminars / workshops on the teachings of Tamansiswa (Ki Hadjar Dewantara)


