
  • Siswirini Siswirini Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa


Morals to Nature, Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles


Some of the research objectives are to describe (1) the moral aspect towards nature in the first indicator showing a caring attitude towards the school environment, (2) the moral aspect towards nature in the second indicator showing a sense of responsibility towards the cleanliness and tidiness of the school environment, (3) the moral aspect towards nature in the third indicator is able to maintain and preserve animals and plants in the school environment (4) the moral towards nature aspect in the fourth indicator does not damage the school environment, (5) the moral towards nature aspect in the fifth indicator utilizes the availability of natural resources in the school environment wisely. This research applies descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection through questionnaires that have been validated by experts and stakeholders. The results of this research are (1) the first indicator shows a caring attitude towards the school environment with a percentage of 95% in the very high category, (2) the second indicator shows a sense of responsibility for the cleanliness and tidiness of the school environment with a percentage of 86% in the very high category, ( 3) the third indicator is able to maintain and preserve animals and plants in the school environment with a percentage of 78% in the high category, (4) the fourth indicator does not damage the school environment with a percentage of 92% in the very high category, (5) the fifth indicator utilizes the availability of resources nature in the school environment wisely with a percentage of 80% in the high category


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