The Inner conflict of a Kuda Lumping dancer after carrying out a trance ritual in Kediri


  • Sephia Dwi Fitanti IAIN Kediri, Indonesia
  • Eka Zariatul Khumairoh Suwandi IAIN Kediri, Indonesia
  • Nur Aziz Afandi IAIN Kediri, Indonesia
  • Arnel S. Travero University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines-Claveria, Philippines


Belief , Inner conflicts , Kuda Lumping Dance


Kuda Lumping Dance is an art that comes from Ponorogo. This dance, also called Jaranan, features warriors riding a horse. This dance depicts the spirit of heroism in the military aspect by the soldiers. In this dance, there is a tradition when one to two dancers are deliberately possessed before the end of the performance. The purpose of this research is to describe the inner conflict experienced by dancers after carrying out a trance ritual which, according to the subject itself, is not under Islamic law. The method used in this study is qualitative, with informants from several Kuda Lumping dancers in Kediri. The results of this study illustrate that there is an inner conflict in the Kuda Lumping dancer described as confused, anxious, indecisive, and in denial. Inner conflict is experienced by dancers as a reaction to situations and circumstances after carrying out the 'ndadi' ritual. In this, intrapsychic conflict can be caused by actions, emotions, beliefs, and values ​​that can cause basic anxiety. The inner conflicts experienced by dancers can be controlled by them.




How to Cite

Fitanti, S. D., Suwandi, E. Z. K., Afandi, N. A., & Travero, A. S. . (2023). The Inner conflict of a Kuda Lumping dancer after carrying out a trance ritual in Kediri. International Conference on Indigenous Psychology and Culture, 1(1), 190–205. Retrieved from