Sambatan perspective as a form for implementating Pancasila: A Case study in Cerme, Pace, Nganjuk


  • Finka Febriana Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Kediri, Indonesia
  • Latifah Bela Nur Rohmah Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Kediri, Indonesia
  • Sunarno Sunarno Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Kediri, Indonesia


Indigenous, Pancasila, Sambatan


This study aims to explore the society’s perspective of Cerme village, Pace subdistrict, Nganjuk district, regarding the Sambatan tradition and to scrutinize the behavior of the community in implementing the Sambatan tradition as a form of Pancasila. This research method was qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection was collected by interviewing residents as the source and direct observation consisting of participants in the Sambatan tradition. The results of this study are as follows: First, residents interpret the sambatan tradition as a place to help and care for each other among neighbors. Second, the motivation of people to preserve and do the sambatan tradition is that they care for as well as nurture each other, want to create a peaceful atmosphere, and desire to maintain harmony amongst neighbors. Third, the impact on the wong nyambat (people who ask for help) is a form of lightening the burden that they are handling and making the heart happy because they can share food with wong seng sambat (people who help) when doing the sambatan tradition. The impact felt by wong seng disambat (people who help) is that residents become happy because they gather more often and feel pleasant in that they can help neighbors who are in trouble. Fourth, the sambatan reflects the values of Pancasila precepts of Indonesian Unity, namely mutual cooperation behavior.




How to Cite

Febriana , F. ., Rohmah, L. B. N. ., & Sunarno, S. (2023). Sambatan perspective as a form for implementating Pancasila: A Case study in Cerme, Pace, Nganjuk. International Conference on Indigenous Psychology and Culture, 1(1), 328–338. Retrieved from