Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Materi IPA Lewat Origamasains pada Anak-anak Usia SD di Dusun Tajem


  • Retno Utaminingsih Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta
  • Ayu Rahayu Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta
  • Dhimas Nur Setyawan Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta


Origamasains, Science, Elementary School Age Children


Tajem Hamlet Rt 11 Rw 30 or better known as Tajem Baru Hamlet consists of 55 families and most of the children there are in the elementary school age range. To make children's free time more useful and increase their understanding of science material, creative and fun activities need to be held. One way is to use Origamasains media. Origamasains is an origami media that is connected to science material in the learning process so that it will further improve children's understanding of science material which is sometimes considered difficult. This paper folding activity focuses on forming objects or things related to science material, then from the results of folding origami paper we will discuss science material related to objects that have been folded. With this activity, it is hoped that it will be possible to increase understanding of science material through Origamasains among elementary school age children in Tajem Baru hamlet Rt 11 Rw 30 Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. This Origamasains activity will be carried out for elementary school age children in Tajem Baru hamlet Rt 11 Rw 30 Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman. The hope is that by carrying out this Origamasains activity, children will increase their knowledge and understanding of science material. Apart from increasing knowledge and understanding of science material, it is hoped that with this activity children will get useful and fun activities so that it will increase the experience for elementary school age children in Tajem Baru hamlet Rt 11 Rw 30 Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman.


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Volume 2 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023