Pengembangan Motorik Halus Anak dengan Bermain Warna di SD Negeri Sindurejan Yogyakarta


  • Andrik Musfalri Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Triyono Triyono Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Dharmawati Dewi Pamungkas Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Zerisa Fitriana Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Fandi Ahmad Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa


Development, fine motor skills, child, color play activities


Fine motor skills are important for children to master, especially who are in the lower grades of elementary school. The development of good fine motor skills can be helped children become more creative, careful, and skilled. Meanwhile, fine motor skills abilities are students third grades of A at Sindurejan Elementary School Yogyakarta have not developed optimally. It can be defined from the coloring results being less neat, uneven, and out of line. To overcome this problem, color play activities training was carried out which aims to develop children's fine motor skills. Color play activities are carried out in an interesting and fun way. Children are directed to combine the colors in a play activity.

The aims of this community service activity is: (1) provide knowledge about coloring techniques in training students of fine motor skills; (2) trained students fine motor skills with fun color play activities; (3) improved the art skills of lower grade students in elementary school. The focus of this activity in the educational sector which aims to improve the fine motor skills of students in elementary schools.

This community service activity is carried out with community education methods of the training color play activities. Activities are carried out through lectures, demonstrations, color games, and coloring practices. The program implemented is: (1) introduction to basic colors in fine arts, (2) practice of color play activities, (3) finishing of the pictures, (4) evaluation, and (5) presentation of the work results. Achievement targets: with the training method, this community service activity will be achieved with a target of 100%. The results of this community service activity showed that happy and enthusiastic response from 27 students of third grades of A at Sindurejan Elementary School. Color play activities can develop a child's fine motor skills, including is the careful color selection, neat coloring, and evenly. The positive impact of color play activities is increasing children's self-confidence, increasing courage, and being able to appreciating other people's work.

Keywords: Development, fine motor skills, child, color play activities


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Volume 2 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023