Perindustrian ekonomi kreatif penanaman modal usaha usaha kecil menengah dikota tanjung pinang


  • Ebi Tetanisa Masunggang STIE Pembangunan Tanjung Pinang
  • Muhammad Rahman Kurniawan STIE Pembangunan Tanjung Pinang
  • Selomita Amanda STIE Pembangunan Tanjung Pinang


Peran, Indsutri Kecil Menengah, Ekonomi


Riau Islands Province Trade Office has a role and a huge responsibility in the administration and the provision of facilities for promoting the sector of small and medium businesses. Government Tanjungpinang through the Department of Industry, Commerce Creative Economy and Investment as government agencies that have a role to protect and develop the small and medium industries in Tanjungpinang have to provide a container which can accommodate and provide suggestions for improvements needed for the businessman his specialty to the perpetrators Industrial small and medium enterprises in running and developing a business. The purpose of this study is basically know the role of the Creative Economy Department of Industry, Trade And Investment In Small and Medium Industries Development Actors in Tanjungpinang. Informants in this study include 1 employees Creative Economy Department of Industry Trade and Investment Tanjungpinang that the duties and functions exist in the field of Small and Medium Enterprises, and then taken three people from businesses in Tanjungpinan. After the evaluation of the problems of research it can be concluded that the role of the Department of Industry, Commerce and Creative Economy Investment Small and Medium Industries Development Actors in Tanjungpinang not run well. It can be seen from the counseling, training and socialization is very minimal done by the Department of Creative Economy Department of Industry, Trade and Investment to the entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Industries. Not only is it the Department of Industry, Trade And Investment Creative Economy has not been responsive in providing guidance to Small and Medium Industries this can be seen as lack of response of the Department of Industry, Trade And Investment Creative Economy in solving the problems of Small and Medium Industries in Tanjungpinang.


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Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022