Tata kelola eduwisata halal di pesantren menurut fatwa NO. 108/DSN-MUI/X/2016 tentang pengelolaan pariwisata halal: studi pengembangan di pondok pesantren Al-Kahfi desa gangseyan kec. Sepuluh kab. Bangkalan


  • Moh. Riky Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Mohammad Ali Hisyam Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


pesantren, halal tourism education, madura


Pesantren is one of the important social symbols in Madura. As an entity that sociologically represents a symbol of religious society, Islamic boarding schools in Madura with their halal tourism platforms can choose green tourism as a prospective contribution option and are able to embrace two sides at once, namely religion and society. Halal tourism is an activity that is supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, entrepreneurs, government, and local governments that comply with sharia provisions. Halal tourism is also created to accommodate the needs of worship for Muslims, such as providing places of worship (musholla) and halal restaurants. This study aims to analyze the development model of halal tourism education based on development in Islamic boarding schools that has been realized by a small number of Islamic boarding schools in Madura. The focus of this research is centered on Islamic boarding schools that develop edutourism, especially in Bangkalan Regency, namely Al-Kahfi Islamic Boarding School, Sepulu District. This research uses qualitative research methods with research sites covering pesantren edutourism destinations as well as direct field surveys to a number of Islamic boarding schools that have edutourism objects in the Bangkalan area. The results showed that the Al-Kahfi Islamic Boarding Moh. Riky, Mohamad Ali Hisyam, Tata Kelola Eduwisata Halal Di Pesantren Menurut Fatwa No. 108/Dsn-Mui/X/2016 Tentang Pengelolaan Pariwisata Halal : Studi Pengembangan Di Pondok Pesantren Al-Kahfi Desa Gangseyan Kec. Sepuluh Kab. Bangkalan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat 2022 School has a reforestation program which not only cuts down but also provides benefits for the surrounding area.


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Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022