Budaya Minangkabau dalam novel anak rantau karya A. Fuadi: pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan relevansinya dengan pendidikan karakter berbasis nilai budaya


  • Rusdian Noor D. Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Desy Rufaidah Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Anselmus Sudirman Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Alivia Deni Listyaningrum Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Karolina Ina Barek Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa


minangkabau culture, character education, cultural values


The purpose of this research is to describe (1) the plot, (2) the characters and characterizations, (3) the setting used by the author to reveal the facts of the Minangkabau story and culture, and (4) its relevance to cultural value-based character education in the novel Anak Rantau. This qualitative descriptive research employs qualitative data as an event unit containing facts about the story and culture of Minangkabau in the Anak Rantau novel and its relevance to character education based on cultural values from the data source, A. Fuadi's novel Anak Rantau. The research instruments include the sociology of literature, culture, cultural values, and character education theories. The research data were gathered through observation and documentation. The collected data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive technique based on the sociology of literature and character education theory. The mandatory output target for this research is published in a national journal, the Unpam Sasindo Journal, and an additional output target is a publication in the proceedings of a national seminar. This research's technology readiness (TKT) was set at level 3. The author optimized the research findings to convey the meaning of family, friendship, and Minangkabau traditional culture so that the presence of story facts became one of the three issues discussed in the Anak Rantau novel. In the Minangkabau community, family means providing each other with protection, love, and compassion and providing children with the best education and most valuable possessions. For the Minangkabau community, friendship entails helping others in any situation, being together, and sharing happiness. In this novel, cultural traditions include syarak, syarak based on the book of Allah, the philosophy of nature developing into teachers, men staying at the Maota Lapau surau, wandering, the principle of kato nak ampek, and the principle of nan sakato. All three are relevant to religious character education, honesty, hard work and creativity, independence, democracy, curiosity, concern for the social environment, and responsibility.


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Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022