Produksi teh herbal terstandarisasi dan sehat di desa Borisallo, Kec. Parangloe, Gowa


  • A. Muflihunna Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Sukmawati Universitas Muslim Indonesia


Teh herbal, Jahe, Sere


The synergism of life that is fostered together can increase metabolic products that can potentially be utilized for useful purposes for humans, especially in the health sector. The development of medicinal plants has accelerated to the discovery of new drugs and technologies. Applied technology must be implemented in order to bring broad benefits to the lowest layers through community groups, in this case the fostered partners. Partner groups and rural communities have a vital and potential role in community development, not only in food self-sufficiency, but can also be directed towards health self-sufficiency through the development of family medicinal plants. The purpose of this service is to empower the community in realizing self-sufficiency and prosperity based on existing resources and increasing public knowledge about herbal plants through counseling and their use, as well as training in making standardized herbal teas from plants that are easily available such as ginger and lemon grass. This activity was carried out using the direct training method for the target group. The training began with socializing the benefits of herbal tea, training on how to make herbal tea and serving it, then developing a follow-up plan. The expected outputs in this activity are 1) The creation of a product in the form of herbal tea made from bay leaves which can be consumed daily; 2) The opening of business opportunities for partner communities; 3) Formation of a community that cares about health; 4) The formation of a society that is thrifty and can make home-made products thereby reducing daily expenses.


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Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022