Penentuan titik sumur resapan wilayah rt:53/rw:11 kelurahan Gedongkiwo, Yogyakarta


  • Istiana Adianti Universitas Widya Mataram
  • Vidya Ayuningtyas
  • Desy Ayu Krisna Murti


air hujan, sumur resapan, genangan


Changes in land use in built areas result in a lack of open space. This causes water flow on the surface to increase while water absorption decreases. Harvesting rainwater with infiltration wells may have benefits for sustainable development. Infiltration wells during the rainy season can directly absorb water into the ground, reducing inundation or flooding. During the dry season, groundwater does not decrease. The work program of RT53, RW 11, Gedongkiwo village installed infiltration wells at several points. Based on the RT management's request, servants assist in determining the location of infiltration wells. The service is carried out for 3 (three) months, with the initial stage of mapping the location of potential infiltration wells with residents, then monitoring the work of infiltration wells, and ending with mapping the locations of infiltration wells that have been built.


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Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022