Dapatkah Nilai-Nilai Karakter Jiwa Wirausaha diterapkan Menggunakan Model Project Work ?


  • Murjilah SMKN 2 Godean, Yogyakarta


This research aims to determine the use of Project Work in applying the values of entrepreneurial spirit character to students of class XI Boga 2 SMKN 2 Godean Academic Year 2022/2023. The type of research used is a descriptive qualitative approach. Respondents in this study used a minimum of 36 students and 9 teachers and parents. The instrument uses questionnaires/interviews, observations, and documentation. The data were analyzed using triangulation analysis of qualitative analysis models from Huberman and Miles. The results showed that the use of the Project Work learning model can help students to cultivate the values of entrepreneurial spirit character which in the end is able to motivate entrepreneurial interests and provide perspective in the future to become entrepreneurs. From the interview results, the results were also obtained that the use of Project Work was able to grow and apply the values of entrepreneurial spirit character. Based on the results of the conclusions above, it is obtained that the meaning in the future is that by using the project work learning model, it can apply the values of entrepreneurial spirit character to students.   


