Pembelajaran Diferensiasi DiscoTIK (Model Discovery Inquiry berbasis TIK) untuk meningkatkan kreativitas siswa.


  • Kristiawati SD Negeri 2 Bejiarum, Kertek, Wonosobo
  • Ana Fitrotun Nisa Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta

Kata Kunci:

pembelajaran berdiferensiasi, discovery-inquiry learning, TIK


The purpose of this article is to describe differentiated learning by applying the ICT-based Discovery Inquiry Learning learning model to increase student creativity. The research method is descriptive qualitative with a meticulous subject of class V SD with a total of 22 students. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Techniques Data analysis was carried out by describing the results of observations and interviews. The results showed that the implementation of differentiated learning with the ICT-based Discovery Inquiry Learning learning model was able to increase student creativity. This is evidenced by the increase in student creativity from 2.8 to 3.5. 


