Strategi Inovatif untuk Mengembangkan Literasi, Numerasi, dan Pendekatan Pembelajaran yang Berdiferensiasi dalam Konteks Pendidikan Dasar


  • Dika Wulandari Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta
  • Ana Fitrotun Nisa Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta
  • Erna Nuryani Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta
  • Maisaroh Farida Nurrohmah Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta

Kata Kunci:

differentiation learning, literacy, numeracy


This research was conducted because the literacy and numeracy skills of the first graders of Ponjong Elementary School were still low due to the different abilities and learning styles of the students, so the teacher had to conduct research to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of the first graders of Ponjong Elementary School. The author uses the ADDIE development model developed by Dick and Carry (1996) which has been applied in this study. Products produced by lesson plans, teaching materials supporting learning. Each of these development product components is always focused on developing differentiated learning to improve literacy and numeracy skills. The product developed in this study has undergone a validation process from the validator, which consists of school principals and colleagues. The validation results are used as input for the product development revision process, then tested through trials on grade 1 students at SDN Ponjong. Based on the analysis of the results of expert validation, trial results, an average score of 83.2% was obtained from the respondents' assessment. This means that the quality of differentiated learning development products to improve the numeracy skills of SDN Ponjong students is in the good category. This means that product development can help optimize differentiated learning in grade 1 elementary school in improving literacy and numeracy.


