Design a Smart Trash Using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm


  • Muchamad Malik Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
  • Adi Prasetyo Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta


Fuzzy Logic, ESP32, Smart trash cans, Ultrasonic Sensor, Load Cell Sensor


Collection carried out by waste officers cannot be carried out effectively. This reduces the performance of garbage officers at the trash bins at different points. Smart trash cans can eliminate the needed trash to maximize their work. This study designed a trash bin monitoring system using ultrasonic sensors and weight sensors. The system uses fuzzy logic as a controller for the trash can lid. In this study, the maximum distance that the ultrasonic sensor reads in the trash is 30 cm, the shortest distance is 0 cm, while the weight sensor reads 0 Kg to 40 Kg according to the capacity of the trash can. Data processing uses ESP32, which functions as a medium for processing and sending data. From the tests carried out, the accuracy of the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 has a deviation of 20%. At the same time, the deviation of the Load Cell weight sensor is 1%. The action of opening and closing the trash cans is determined using the fuzzy logic method with 100%.


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