Warehouse Relayout Analysis Using Flow Process Chart and Dedicated Storage in CV Master Multi Jaya


  • Valentino Ibanez Department of Industrial Engineering, Fakulty of science and technology AKPRIND Yogyakarta
  • Agus Hindarto Wibowo Department of Industrial Engineering, Fakulty of science and technology AKPRIND Yogyakarta


Layout, Material handling, Process, Flow Process Chart, Dedicated Storage


Based on the observations in CV. Master Multi Jaya, the placement of materials is still not organized or still not neat, so that cause an ineffectiveness of work in the process of materials handling. The problems that exist in CV. Master Multi Jaya is currently an irregular arrangement of materials. This is an obstacle to placing and sending materials. This research aims to gather information of the warehouse activity to be a flow process chart. That is become basic theory of creating re-layout the effective arrangement of materials. Dedicated storage is one of methods can be formulated to re-layout their warehouse to be better layout than before. Data retrieval is carried out using a chart called operation process chart, its function is to submit the time record of the operation. Then it convert to be a flow process chart which is use as consideration of dedicated stoage. The dedicated storage calculate the throughput warehouse capacity with the quantity of material storage tools based on each products. Then, author must be record the time of material handling and sum it up on the excel as the table of input materials time. But this object research just focus on warehouse arrangement which is through by the material handling. Then, the transportation tool is just wear two trolleys. The result of this research is new layout of warehouse or a good workstation of CV. Master Multi Jaya


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V. Ibanez, “Laporan Kerja Praktek Kolaborasi Metode FPC ( Flow Process Chart ) Dan Fte ( Full Time Equivalent ) Penunjang Analisis Pemetaan Kerja Lini Produksi Dan Performance Rating Pekerja Pada Cv . Master Multi Jaya Disusun Oleh : Valentino Ibanez Jales Arga Putra,” 2022.


