Scheduling Time and Project Costs Using the Critical Path Method (CPM) And the Evolution and Review Technique (PERT) Program on The Dust Collector Machine at Pt. The Glorious Element of Suryamasinka (Elgisa)


  • Eka Putra Pebrianto Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Elly Wuryaningtyas Yunitasari Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Dyah Ari Susanti Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa


Scheduling, Cost, Critical Path Method (CPM), Program Evalution and Technique (PERT)


Scheduling is one of the meters that is a benchmark for the success of a project in addition to cost and quality. Project planning consists of scheduling, controlling, and executing. PT. ELGISA Accepts orders and installation of dust collector and ducting machines. PT. ELGISA in project management is still poorly structured in arranging the stages of a project activity. So there is a need for a scheduling improvement system with project management using the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evalution and Technique (PERT) methods. The purpose of this study was to plan the scheduling time and project costs so that they do not exceed the time that has been set. The calculation results use the CPM method, which is for 53 days while using the PERT method, which is 54 days with a normal time of 75 days. In the CPM and PERT methods, they have a critical line network, the installation of dust collector and ducting machines is the same, namely A-AF-AG-AH-AI-AJ-AK-AL-AM-AN-AO-AP, AQ-AR-AS-AT-DC on the CPM method, the cost on the critical line is Rp. 107,300,000,- while in the PERT method the cost on the critical line is Rp. 108,915,000,-. The influencing factors are human resources (HR), material and implementation


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