Etnomatematika Motif Kain Tenun dan Ume Bubu Masyarakat Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara untuk Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Dasar


  • Yuventius Tamelab Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar STKIP Sinar Pancasila


Etnomatematika, Motif Kain Tenun, Ume bubu , Pembelajaran Matematika


Ethnomathematics is mathematics that is practiced by cultural groups, such as people in urban, rural areas, labour groups, children from certain age groups and custom people. This case enables that there are mathematical concepts especially geometry in elementary school that is found in woven fabric motif and ume bubu of North Central Timor Regency people. Geometry concepts that are enforced in cultural practices that they do every day, are called woven fabric motives and ume bubu. This research aims to describe mathematical concepts found in Woven Fabric Motif Ethnomathematics and Ume bubu of North Central Timor Regency and design mathematical tasks by utilizing woven fabric motif viewed from the mathematics in order to disappear. This research is qualitative research by ethnographic approach. The data and objects in this research are fabric motives from woven performances and ume khubu and ethnographic notes made during observational and interview activities. Related to this research purposes, the research results show that from three (3) woven fabric motif forms and four (4) ume bubu forms, there are found elementary school geometrical concepts such as two-dimensional figures, they are: circles, squares, rectangles, dots, lines, and geometries such as: spheres, tubes, cones and kites. Weavers and ume bubu maker people who are mostly council communities having educational backgrounds as below average, but they have applied geometrical concepts indirectly, even they do not know about concepts taught at schools, but they can apply them in beautiful and high-value woven fabric motives and ume khubu in which they make as their places to stay.


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