Systematic Literature Review: Pendekatan Matematika Realistik terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis pada Rentang Tahun 2016-2023


  • Nur Khoirina Agustin Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • St. Budi Waluya Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Iqbal Kharisudin Universitas Negeri Semarang


creative thinking ability, realistic mathematical approach, systematic literature review


The ability to think creatively is one of the high-level abilities in learning mathematics. This ability can be improved through learning with a realistic mathematical approach. This is because the realistic mathematics approach places students at the center of learning and the focus of the problems used are contextual problems. Therefore, this research aims to find out whether there is an increase in student’s creative mathematical thinking abilities through a realistic mathematics approach. The research method used is Systematic Literature Review. Data collection was carried out by exploring related topics in the 2016-2023 time period through an indexed electronic database Google Shcolar, Eric, and Semantic Scholar application assisted Publish or Perish ver 8. Obtained 16 selected literature consisting of three literature from international journals and 13 literature from national journals. The research results show that research related to realistic mathematical approaches to creative thinking abilities in the 2016-2023 period was mostly carried out at junior high school level. Apart from that, a realistic mathematical approach has a positive effect and is able to improve students' creative mathematical thinking abilities.


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