Eksplorasi Etnomatematika Dalam Bangunan Candi Ganjuran Bantul


  • Vandavio Palmarum Sitanggang Universitas Sanata Dharma
  • Krisma Yonantha Universitas Sanata Dharma


Ganjuran Temple, Ethnomathematics, Geometry, Number theory


The temple that will be discussed in this article is Ganjuran Temple, Bantul. Ganjuran Temple in Bantul is the result of a combination of Javanese Hindu and Catholic cultures. The purpose of this research is to find out the ethnomathematics that exist in the buildings and culture of Ganjuran Temple.. The research method we used was descriptive qualitative research. The result of our research is that there are mathematical aspects in Ganjuran temple according to Bishop, namely 1) Counting, there are concepts of multiplication, two parallel lines, variables, comparison, and division. 2) Locating, there are concepts of flat and cartesian shapes 3) Measuring, there are concepts of space and comparison 4) Explaining, there is a history and usefulness of the temple 5) Designing, there is the concept of space, dilation, and the meaning of the shapes in the temple and 5) Playing, there is the concept of modulo and the schedule of worship events at the Ganjuran temple.


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