Interactive learning through social media: A literature review


  • Dyah Ayu Sulistyorini SMK Penerbangan AAG Adisutjipto Yogyakarta



Interactive Learning, Social media, Pembelajaran interaktif, Media Sosial


This article aims to review the benefits of interactive learning and provide examples of the use of social media in building interactive learning. This article originates from a literature review that condenses a variety of past studies on interactive learning through social media. Prior research has unveiled that incorporating social media as an interactive learning tool can simplify and enhance learners' comprehension of the subject matter. This reflects the positive potential of using social media to support a more dynamic and effective learning process.

Author Biography

Dyah Ayu Sulistyorini, SMK Penerbangan AAG Adisutjipto Yogyakarta

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Direktorat Pascasarjana Pendidikan, Universitas Sarjanawaiyata Tamansiswa


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How to Cite

Sulistyorini, D. A. (2024). Interactive learning through social media: A literature review. Humanities, Education, Applied Linguistics, and Language Teaching: Conference Series, 1(1), 32–38.


