The Exploration of Character Values in Pictorial Storybooks as an Alternative English Reading Book Material for Elementary School Students


  • Dinar Martia Azizah Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa


character building, pictorial storybooks, English, elementary school


Literature could be used to instill the characters of students from an early age. On the other hand, there has not been sufficient research on character values in English literature for the elementary education level. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the character value in pictorial storybooks as alternative English reading books for elementary school students.

This research used descriptive qualitative methods so the data gathered are in the form of words, phrases, and sentences. The researcher used five pictorial storybooks entitled “Art for All”, “The Happiness Project”, “Rebecca, The Maasai Change maker”, “To Clean a Creek”, and “Project Moo” as data sources. The data was analyzed by employing an interactive analysis model consisting of data condensation, data displaying, and data conclusion/verification.

The results showed that there are 11 character values, including tolerance, hard work, creativity, independence, curiosity, achievement appreciation, friendly/communicative, peaceable, fond of reading, environment and social care. The implication of this research is the presence of opportunity for teachers to utilize those five storybooks as additional reading materials for students as a means to instill the character. For other researchers, they could explore the characteristic values in different theme literature works in English language.


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