Efforts to Improve Critical Thinking Skills Through Problem Based Learning Models in Class III SD Thematic Learning


  • Suciani Alfiah Universitas Sarjanwiyata Tamansiswa


Keywords: Critical thinking skills, Problem Based Learning, elementary school


Thematic learning trains students in dealing with problems in learning. The 4C competencies that students must have are Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication skills, and Collaboratively . With these competencies to support students to think critically. Critical thinking becomes an inseparable part of thematic learning. Critical thinking means one's ability to make judgments, analyze and assess an argument or fact. The purpose of this research is to improve critical thinking skills through the Problem Based Learning model in class III SD thematic learning. In this collaborative classroom action research it was carried out using the Kemmis and Mc Taggart models which consisted of planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects in this study were 27 students. Data collected using observation sheets, documentation, and evaluation sheets. Data analysis techniques that researchers use are descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The results showed that there was an increase in critical thinking skills in the pre-cycle, cycle 1 and cycle 2, namely the average activity increased. The results of the pre-cycle 52% were in the less critical category, after the implementation of the first cycle of student activity increased to 72.4 % or the category was quite critical, but the results obtained in the first cycle were not in accordance with the achievement indicators that had been set because they still had not reached 80% with the completeness criteria of ≥75. In cycle II the average student activity is 82.4 % or is in the critical category. As for the indicator of success, namely the indicator of critical thinking ability to reach a percentage, namely 80% of students can meet the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) which has been determined to be ≥75, it is said that students have been able to have critical thinking skills. So, if 80% of students get a minimum completeness (KKM ) ≥ 75. So, it can be concluded that the application of the Problem Based Learning model can improve critical thinking skills in elementary school students because the success indicators have been completed, or have reached a percentage of success indicators.


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