The Value of Character Education in Batik Ambarawa


  • Shubhi Aji Nurlatif FKIP, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Slamet Subiyantoro FKIP, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Edi Kurniadi FKIP, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia


values, character education, batik, Ambarawa


Education develops in harmony with the times with increasingly diverse methods and forms of education such as character education whose goal is to shape a person's character into a human being who has virtue values ​​in him, education has existed since humans exist in the world as a natural form to educate their offspring to become human beings. better. Character education is obtained from the family, the community and at school. This study discusses batik as an object or medium in the application of character education, batik which contains philosophical values ​​/ teachings of human life that have existed as ancestral heritage in the form of motifs that have values ​​containing messages in them. In this study, we will examine Ambarawa Batik with the values ​​that exist in visual symbols as a medium for character education in society. The purpose of this study is to describe the educational value of Batik Ambarawa, focusing on motifs with meaningful visual symbols on Batik Ambarawa motifs. This study uses a qualitative method of visual semiotic theory to analyze the meaning of batik combined with character education theory. So that the results in the study are an elaboration of the meaning of batik motifs that can be used as a medium for character education


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