The Origin of The Name Demakijo


  • Duwi Sri Lestari Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Afendy Widayat Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Myth, Origin, Demakijo, Culture, Sleman


This research aims at explaining the real name of Demakijo, the form of the myths, the developed traditions, and the function of the myths in Demaikijo’s real name. This research employed a qualitative study with the description method. Additionally, this research was conducted in Desa Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman. The data and data sources used in this study were primary and secondary data. Observation, interview, and document study were used to collect the data while the instrument used was a human instrument with note book and mobile phones as tool assistance. The data were analyzed using inductive analysis and validated with technical and source triangulation. The results of this study revealed that Demakijo’s name came from a cleric and warrior leader, named Manduroredjo. Along with this, some myths such as the origin of Dusun Sanggrahan, the green feathered quail, and the grave of Manduroredjo developed there. The existence of the developed myths made some traditions such as keeping the grave of Kyai Manduroredjo, the carnival culture of Manduroredjo, and nyadran. The myths of Demakijo’s real name function as preserving the heritage of the ancestors, providing a life guide for the community, bonding the kinship within the community, improving the community's economy.


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