Batik Bomba: Kaili’s Cultural Identity in Artwork


  • Samsul Alam School of Creative Industry, Universitas Telkom, Indonesia
  • Addriana Bulu Baan Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
  • Indar Sabri Faculty of Language and Art, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Dicky Hidayat School of Creative Industry, Universitas Telkom, Indonesia


Batik Bomba, Cultural Identity, Motif Batik, Taiganja, Sambulugana


Kaili ethnic in Sulawesi Tengah has different characteristics from other ethnic groups in Indonesia. One characteristic that is different from other ethnicities is present in one of the artworks, namely Batik Bomba. The difference between Batik Bomba and batik from other regions lies in its motifs so Batik Bomba is one of the cultural identities of Sulawesi Tengah. The purpose of the study is to describe the cultural identity of the Kaili Ethnic in Batik Bomba. The method used is a descriptive method whose data comes from searching documents such as articles and archives about Batik Bomba. Cultural identity is one of the identities of a society resulting from the creative process of its people so it makes these community groups different from other community groups. The motifs in Batik Bomba describe the characteristics of Sulawesi Tengah, such as the natural environment, as well as socio-culture. The main motifs of Batik Bomba are the “Taiganja” motif and the “Sambulugana” motif, Taiganja and Sambulugana are wedding ceremony equipment that has certain mythology and gives a special meaning. Therefore, it can be concluded that Batik Bomba is a representation of the cultural identity of the Kaili ethnic in the artwork.


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