Blurred Image of Children in The Rural Area: A Case Study of School Dropout and Its Causing Factors


  • Mariana Sri Rahayu SDN Planjan II and Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Indonesia
  • Yuyun Yulia Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Indonesia
  • Yuli Astuti SDN Ngloro, Indonesia
  • Minsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia


Elementary school graduates have the intelligence, knowledge, personality, good character, and skills to live independently and attend further education. Following further education means that elementary school graduates should continue their education to a higher level. But the opposite is the case in some communities in the Saptosari sub-district. Many school-aged children do not pass Junior and Senior High School levels of study. This research aims to explain the situation of children who have dropped out of school, and its reasons. A qualitative technique was applied in the research. Informants, primarily facilitators (teachers), parents of students and school principals provided descriptive data. This research also use direct observation. The findings showed that the number of students in Saptosari that dropping out of school remained high. The economics, environmental variables, and parents' lack of understanding about education are some of the factors.


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