Evaluation of The E-Learning System Usability Using The System Usability Scale (SUS)


  • Wayan Andrika Putera Institute of Technology and Business STIKOM, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Gede Eka Sandiyasa Klungkung, Bali, Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Esa Windu Pradana Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Indonesia
  • , Ida Bagus Gede Wahyu Antara Dalem Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ni Wayan Sintya Dewi Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia


evaluation, e-learning, usability testing, system usability scale


This study uses quantitative data which is then analyzed using statistics to answer more specific questions, and to predict that a certain variable affects other variables. Respondents in this study were grouped into beginners and advanced users who use e-learning. The number of respondents in this study were 30 students as the research sample. The results of the calculation of the average score of the System Usability Scale (SUS) on the satisfaction of e-learning users towards respondents, obtained a score of 79 with Acceptability Ranges or user acceptance of e-learning in the Acceptable because it gets a score of 79. Furthermore, for the Percentile Rank the value 79 obtained so that it is in the Grade B The data that has been obtained using the usability scale system will later be used as a reference for recommendations for improving the e-learning system. For further research, the author provides suggestions for using test with the Webqual usability method with the influence of usability values ​​on student activities in study.


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