“Srinthil” Tobacco Make a History Culture


  • Muhammad Faisal Akbar Faculty of Langguages an Art, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Sri Harti Widyastuti Faculty of Langguages an Art, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia


Temanggung, tobacco, Srinthil


This research is a study that explores the local wisdom of the Temanggung community in agriculture, education, and culture. In this case, the researcher focused his study on srinthil tobacco in relation to character education with the aim of (1) History of srinthil tobacco (2) The process of tobacco maintenance and (3) the character value contained in the tobacco growing process. In connection with the purpose of this study, the researcher used a qualitative type of research. How to analyze the data using qualitative descriptions. Data attestation using Triangulation Techniques. The results of this study are (1) knowing a local wisdom of the community that grows side by side with the wisdom of the produce called prima donna tobacco, namely Srinthil tobacco (2) the process of selecting and caring for seedlings (3) the process of caring which is correlated with character education.


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