Student Centered Learning to Resolve Learning Loss During Pandemic at SDN Baran I


  • Anik Dwi Nurmawati Primary Education Department, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, Indonesia


student centered learning, learning loss, pandemic


During the pandemic, learning is conducted online, resulting in gaps in access and quality of learning. This causes the emergence of learning loss and decreased student learning achievement. Entering the new normal era, it takes an adaptation and innovation in creating effective learning. It can be done by implementing the Student-Centered Learning (SCL) method. This method encourages students to learn more actively, independently according to their individual abilities. SDN Baran I implemented the SCL method to overcome learning loss during a pandemic. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research to describe or explain a problem. Data was collected by using literature study, interview and observation methods. The object of research is SDN Baran I. The results of the analysis of research data show that student-centered learning can overcome learning loss due to the pandemic. Because the results of the study show that the implementation of SCL has succeeded in overcoming the problem of learning loss, it is necessary to try using different methods so that learning becomes more innovative. Literature study was carried out by studying five relevant studies, conducting interviews according to the interview instrument, and recording the results of observations that had been made.


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