Identification of Creative Economy Empowerment Activities for the Vocational Village Community of Hargotirto Kulon Progo


  • Widodo Mechanical Engineering Vocational Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Indonesia
  • Arif Bintoro Johan Physical education, Sarjanwiyata Tamansiwa University, Indonesia
  • Ayu Fitri Amalia Physical education, Sarjanwiyata Tamansiwa University, Indonesia
  • Ani Sudrajad Mechanical Engineering Vocational Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Indonesia


Identification, vocationalization, community economic empowerment, Kulon Progo


The development of community vocationalization in Kulon Progo is interesting to investigate further, especially in the vocational village of Segajih tourism village. Based on previous research, this vocationalization covers all sectors of community economic empowerment activities. This needs to be investigated more deeply to understand the phenomenon that occurs accurately. This phenomenon is in line with the purpose of organizing TVET. In field observations, technology and cultural potential were found in the vocationalization process.

A qualitative approach will be implemented in order to generate data and analyze the phenomenon of vocationalization of the Kulon Progo community. In-depth investigations using ethnographic methods are very suitable for the context of vocationalization based on cultural potential and natural resources. The qualitative approach will be carried out with interviews semi-structuredpurposive sampling. This study aims to map the potential for vocational village vocationalization in the Segajih tourism village. As tourism village activities are a model for implementing community economic empowerment. Where the Segajih tourism village is in line with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals which include aspects of quality education, gender equality, sustainable cities and communities, climate action and life on land. The model is included in the category of non-formal TVET.


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