The Influence of Principals’ Entrepreneurship Competence on the Motivation and Performance of Vocational High School Teachers in Soppeng Regency


  • Burhanuddin Department of Educational Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Husain Syam Department of Educational Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Abdul Saman Department of Educational Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


competence, entrepreneurship, motivation, principals, teacher performance


This reseacrh aimed at examining the influence of entrepreneurship competence of school leader in dimensions of innovative, creative, commitment, courage takes risk and team building to motivation and performance of SMK teachers in Soppeng regency through direct and indirect influence. The research hypothesis is that there is a direct and indirect effect either partially or simultaneously on the dimensions of innovativeness, creativity, commitment, courage to take risks and building a team of principals’ entrepreneurship competence on the motivation and performance of vocational school teachers in Soppeng Regency. The method used is survey in the form of corrrelational design. The sampling technique is probability sampling with a total sample of 280 people spread over ten vocational schools in Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The variables in this study are the innovative dimension (X1), creative dimension (X2), commitment dimension (X3), risk-taking dimension (X4), team building dimension (X5), teacher motivation (Y) and teacher performance (Z). In analysing data, the writer used Amos 24 application through Structural Equation Modeling. The dimensions of innovativeness, creativity, commitment, risk taking and building a team of principals’ entrepreneurship competence had a significant direct and indirect effect on teacher performance. The dimensions of innovativeness, creativity, commitment, courage to take risks and building a team of principals’ entrepreneurship competencies have a significant direct effect on teacher motivation. Teacher motivation has a significant effect on teacher performance. Simultaneously the dimensions of innovation, creativity, commitment, courage to take risks and building a team of principals’ entrepreneurship competence have a positive and significant effect on teacher motivation. The dimensions of innovativeness, creativity, commitment, courage to take risks, building a team of principals' entrepreneurship competence and teacher motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. The implication of the research is that if the coaching on the entrepreneurship competence of school principals is successfully carried out, this make the teacher motivation and teacher performance increase.


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