Reading Skills Strategy (Maharah Al-Qira`Ah) in Arabic Learning in the Pandemic Era Islamic Elementary School Bina Insani Muslim


  • Mia Fitriah El karimah Pendidikan Bahasa inggris, FBS, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia


Strategies, Reading Arabic skills (Maharah Al-Qira`ah), WhatsApp as a media learning, Reading Guide


This study aims to obtain data and information about strategies of reading skills (maharah al-qira`ah) in learning Arabic at SD IT Bina Insani Muslim. Arabic reading skills are a skill that must be mastered by students with the aim of developing their abilities read Arabic. The population and sample in this study were students in grades IV SD IT Bina Insani Muslim. The study used qualitative methods, with observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that learning Arabic at SD IT Bina Insani Muslim used Salman's book published by Masmedia in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Religion (KMA) No. 183 in 2019. The result is that teaching Arabic online for SD IT Bina Insani Muslim uses the strategies. The first, online learning is carried out using several choices of applications, based on the survey results, that Arabic students' learning styles to tend to the learning model via Whassap rather than directly via zoom. So maximize the use of WhatsApp as a media learning is much better, like voice notes or voice recorder and use of emoji on WhatsApp makes it more interesting for students to learn Arabic. Interaction of Arabic teachers, students and parents during teaching and reading guide method for Arabic reading skill (maharah al-qira`ah). In order for the Reading guide method to be implemented effectively (effectively), Therefore, several steps are needed to be carried out by the teacher, including: preparation, determination of reading, it can be classified into in 3 forms, namely al-qiroah, al-istima' and al-kalam and the last evaluation.


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