Mathematics Teaching-Learning for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Systematic Literature Review Year 2010-2020


  • Een Ratnengsih Department of Special Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Juntika Nurihsan Department of Special Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Endang Rochyadi Department of Special Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Sunardi Departmen of Educational Psychology, Universitas Pendididikan Indonesia, Indonesia


Mathematics Teaching-Learning, Students with Intellectual Disability


Students with intellectual disabilities have the right to learn all academic fields, including mathematics which is often considered a difficult subject. This study aims to review all the research results that have been carried out from 2010 to 2020 related to learning mathematics in students with intellectual disabilities. This research is a Systematic Literature Review. The search was carried out on the literature available online. Analysis of the results of the literature review is carried out by categorizing based on: methodological design, level, and category of intellectual disability, mathematical content, and type of intervention/learning. A total of 250 studies met the inclusion criteria, but only 77 studies passed the next screening stage. Among the 77 studies, only 28 were included in the final analysis. The trend of the research method used is classroom action research (n=12), experimental one group pretest-posttest (n=10), research development (n=4), and single-subject research (n=2). The results of the analysis showed that 25 studies of learning were carried out in the mild category of disability and the remaining 3 in the moderate category. The most studied at the elementary school (special school) (n=20), elementary school (regular school) (n=4), special junior high school (n=3), high school (n=1). The results of the search and analysis on the type of intervention or learning were carried out in the form of media (n=16) and methods/strategies (n=10) and a combination of both (n=2). The mathematics content taught includes computation/number operations (n=17), number concepts (n=5), currency (n=3, place value (n=2) and spatial structure (n=1). Overall research in these journals still faces different challenges.


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