The Existence of Village Products in the Digital Era in Kelekar District, Muara Enim Regency


  • Randi Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • Yulasteriyani Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • Ardi Saputra Sriwijaya University, Indonesia


Product, Development, Tourism, Community, BUMDes


The village is an interesting object to research and in the village there are many superior products of the village. Along with the digital development of some local products cannot enter the global market, this is due to the limitations of rural communities in digital access.  Technological developments will affect the existence of local products many marketplaces can be used for the promotion of local products in order to penetrate the global market and exist. This paper aims to analyze the Existence of Village Superior Products in Kelekar District, Muara Enim Regency in supporting one of the flagship programs of the Ministry of PDTT One village one product (OVOP) (one village one product). Villages in Kelekar District have been experiencing problems in developing the creative economy and utilizing the potential of the village, so that the development of superior products needs to be analyzed in depth. Superior products should be the main attraction in increasing the income of rural people. The writing method is descriptive and qualitative type of writing, with interview data collection.


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