Consumptive Behavior in Purchasing Skin Care in College Students


  • Randi Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • Tri Agus Susanto Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • Dinda Hati Nurani Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • Reza Mahardhika Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • Nurdyah Kurnisa Az Zahra Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • Tasya Rifanka Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • R Yudha Putra Pratama Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • Ambar Tri Juliansih Juliansih Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
  • Achmad Alfakhri P. A Department of Sociology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia


Students are one of the forms of social groups that exist in society with their vulnerability to the influence of trends, lifestyles, and also fashion. Dahlan (in Sumartono, 2002) consumptive culture is a form of behavior characterized by the existence of a luxurious and excessive life, both from use and all the most expensive things and providing a sense of satisfaction and physical comfort that is as great as possible, and also the existence of a form of life pattern from humans that can be controlled and driven by desires in order to fulfill desires and also pleasure alone. The results of the study that the factors behind the occurrence of consumptive behavior in students in purchasing skincare products, there are several factors, the most important of which is the need to overcome skin problems, such as spotty, dry skin or sensitive skin. Apart from that there are also lifestyle factors, where if you don't use skincare, you will feel that something is missing and will cause an effect on the skin. There are also other factors such as skin that is not sensitive so that you want to use other products, then cheap product prices until there are promos that are currently valid on the product and also influence factors from outside, namely from friends or influencers who promote skincare products. Consumptive behavior in purchasing skincare products in students, quite high from the results of the study there are more than 3 products and brands used by each informant and also a relatively short purchase period, namely in 1 month there are those who can buy up to 2 products at once. . In addition, it can also be seen from the use of products that sometimes do not run out and then change to other products, plus the priority that will be purchased with other needs, on average, prioritizing skincare for skin needs, especially facial skin. This research uses qualitative research methods.


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