Learning The Meaning of Poetry Through The Song Lyrics “Ketika Tangan Dan Kaki Berkata” – Chrisye and “Tobat Maksiat” – Wali


  • Afina Naufalia Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
  • Ni Gusti Ayu Dhyana Widyadewi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia


discourse analysis, cohesion, coherence, song, lyrics, poetry


This study aims to find out how the meaning of the lyrics of the song "Ketika Tangan dan Kaki Berkata" by Chrisye is compared with the lyrics of the song "Tobat Maksiat" by Wali through the markers of lexical cohesion, grammatical cohesion, and coherence. Through this analysis, it will describe what meanings are contained in the two songs and the differences. The meaning of song lyrics can be used as literature learning material in high school, especially in poetry meaning material. With song lyrics, poetry learning becomes easier and more fun. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a discourse analysis, the aim is to describe the comparison of the meanings of the two songs that are used as poetry material. Based on the discourse text analysis, in the lyrics of Chrisye's song " Ketika Tangan dan Kaki Berkata" there are six types of lexical cohesion, two types of grammatical cohesion, and four types of coherence relationships. Meanwhile, in the lyrics of the Wali’s song "Tobat Maksiat" there are four types of lexical cohesion, four types of grammatical cohesion, and eight types of coherence relationships. These two songs are unique in the use of meaning, among them, Chrisye's song uses more hyponyms and language style, while Wali's song uses synonyms more. Meanwhile, both of them use antonyms. Through the types of meaning used, the lyrics of this song can be used as a learning poetry for Senior High School, especially in the meaning of poetry.


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