Increasing Interest and Learning Outcomes in Numbering 1-100 in Elementary School through Sticks and Cards Media


  • Kinanthi Purwa Hapsari Universitas arjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Handoyo Saputro Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Rodhiyati Fajriyah


Sticks and Cards Media, Interest and Learning Outcomes, Numbering, constructivism models, Multiple Intelligences


This study aims to improve the interest and learning outcomes of grade 1 primary school students in the ability to count numbers 1-100 using stick and card media. The ability to count numbers 1-100 is a basic competency that students must master at the basic education level. However, students often face challenges in understanding and developing these skills. This study involved grade 1 students as research subjects and identified problems including low student interest in learning, lack of variety of interesting learning methods, inappropriate use of media, and low student learning outcomes in the ability to count numbers 1-100. The theoretical foundation of the research includes constructivism learning and multiple intelligences principles. The research method used was Classroom Action Research (PTK) with two cycles, each cycle consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. In the learning process, stick and card media were used to visualise numbers and build students' understanding.

The results showed that the use of stick and card media effectively increased students' interest in learning the ability to count numbers 1-100. In the first cycle, there was an increase in students' interest in learning characterised by active participation, enthusiasm and interest in learning. In the second cycle, students' interest in learning increased further with the variation of activities using the media. In addition, the sticks and cards media also contributed to the improvement of students' learning outcomes in number skills. Students showed an increase in concept understanding, ability to identify numbers, and application in real situations. The test results showed a significant improvement in the second cycle compared to the first cycle. Overall, the use of stick and card media effectively improved students' interest and learning outcomes in the ability to count numbers 1-100 in grade 1. The media helped students visualise numbers and build better understanding. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for teachers in improving the learning of numeracy skills and motivating students to learn mathematics better.


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