Improving understanding concept two dimentional figure using brunner learning stages class III elementary schools


  • Danang Setyawan Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Akbar Al Masjid
  • Endah Trie Mulyosari
  • Khoiriyati Kaulina Rahmaningrum Depok 1 State Elementary School, Indonesia


understanding, dimentional figure, brunner learning


Research on Efforts to Increase Understanding of the Concept of Flat Shape Characteristics through the Application of the Bruner Learning Stages Model to Grade III Students of elementary schools of the 2023/2024 academic year on mathematics material using the Bruner learning stage method regarding a basic understanding of the characteristics of two dimentional figure against the background of the low percentage of success students and the lack of student activity in following the learning process on the material. For this reason, researchers aim to improve learning outcomes and student activity in improving learning that will be carried out. This research was carried out in 2 cycles of 4 practice times starting from May 22 to May 29 2023, with research subjects of class III elementary school students in 2023/2024 academic year, Depok District, Sleman Regency, totaling 27 students. Data collected through observation methods and documentation methods. From the research conducted in 4 meetings, learning outcomes always increase. In cycle I it increased by 47.4% and in cycle II it increased rapidly by 73.7% compared to the pre-cycle implementation where only 15.8% of students completed. In cycle II the success of student learning has exceeded the target indicator of achievement desired by the researcher, namely 85% of students succeed, but in fact in cycle III it is 89.5% and in cycle IV 97% of students have successfully completed learning flat wake characteristics with using Bruner's learning stages method of understanding the basic two dimentional figure. From the results of the study, the researchers concluded that by using Bruner's learning stages method about understanding the concept of two dimentional figure, it could increase the activity and learning outcomes of third grade elementary school students.


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