Systematic Literature Review: Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Students' Mathematical Communication Ability in Inclusion Classes


  • Aidah Salma Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Stevanus Budi Waluya Universitas Negeri Semarang


guided inquiry learning model, mathematical communication abilities, inclusion classes


The study aims to do a systematic literacy study on the influence of incubation study models to the students' mathematical communication abilities in the inclusion class. Incubating learning models are approaches that use research questions, experiments and group discussions to involve students actively in the mathematical learning process. The study of this literature uses descriptive analysis methods to collect and analyze research journals related to the use of incubation study models led to improved student mathematical communication capabilities in the inclusion class. Literature studies suggest that a good incubation study model can lead to a student's mathematical communication ability in the inclusion class in the following several ways: increase student involvement, incubation learning models are led to include students actively in group discussions and mathematical communication. This provides opportunities for students to actively participate, ask questions, and share their insights, which eventually enhance their ability to communicate mathematically. Encourage concept understanding: in incubating learning models, students are called to search for information, ask questions, and experiment. Through this process, students understand math concepts more deeply, and their ability to communicate that understanding is also increasing. It provides opportunities for students to be actively involved in group discussions, to understand mathematical concepts and to work in collaborative ways with classmates. The implication of this find is that the use of an incubation model of learning can be an effective strategy in math study in the inclusion class.


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